Currently in April
Reading... Looking for Alaska by John Green.
Playing... Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain + Fallout 4 + Mincecraft Story mode + still playing a little bit of The Division.
Watching... Superantural season 10 and a lot of Family Guy and American Dad because it's all I have time for after work.
Trying... to feel better because I've been so ill lately.
Cooking... absolutely nothing because my appetite is none existent.
Eating... nothing much at all, I can't wait until I begin to feel better.
Drinking... water, just water.
Calling... companies that I'm interested in working for.
Texting... My mum because I haven't seen or spoken to her properly for awhile., beauty and travel,
Tweeting... all about my blog, as well as my instagram posts.
Going... to Rome in September
Loving... my partner.
Hating... SeaWorld, and basically any human or company that harms animals.
Discovering... that I really need to find a job that makes me happy.
Thinking... about the charity work that I can do.
Feeling... like I need a massive career change.
Hoping (for)... one of these job interviews to be a success.
Listening (to)... a lot of Taylor Swift and Little Mix lately.
Celebrating... the amount of job interviews that I have lined up.
Smelling... nothing, my nose is completely bunged up.
Ordering... nothing actually, but I suppose that's something that's likely to change shortly, there are so many games I would like, so many books and, so much pandora jewellery...
Thanking... My partner for every little thing he does for me.
Considering... sleeping, I just need to feel better.
Starting... to get excited for future job prospects, I have so many interviews lined up!