Saturday 26 August 2017

Blogger Recognition Award

I can't believe I'm currently writing another Bloggers Award post, I feel so appreciated at the moments, it's amazing. I'd like to thank the lovely and beautiful Liz from Natural Hazards And More for nominating me for this fantastic award!

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show you were nominated and share your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4. Give 2 pieces of advise to new bloggers.
5. Select 15 other bloggers that you would like to give this award to.
6. Let them know they have been nominated, and provide the link to the post that you created.

Wonderland Warblings - A brief Story

I was in my second year of University when I first started my blog, however it wasn't always called Wonderland Warblings. When I first started my blog, it was at a time that I was struggling with a lot of things going on in my life, struggling with living alone, and choosing the wrong course at university. The original plan for my blog was to get my writing out there as I really loved the idea of becoming a journalist one day. The name of my blog was One Journalist and their Camera, and it was mainly just for me to share photography and hints and tips and really meaningful posts that were always complimented by fantastic imaged. This changed when I stopped enjoying this, I enjoyed the writing, but I didn't like having a "niche" as they call it. Now, Wonderland Warblings, is just a place for me to talk about anything and everything I want to, and I'm really happy with that. 

My Advice:

1. Always write for you. It's all well and good writing what people want you to write, but if you're not enjoying what you're writing about, what's the point? This is your blog, don't let anyone tell you how to run it. 

2. Promote your blog everywhere. Use Twitter because the Blogging community on Twitter is absolutely thriving, you will meet so many fantastic people, you can join in on so many blogging chats, and it's just the best place to promote. Use Instagram because most bloggers take fantastic photographs, or are even photographers so they use Instagram a lot, it's another great way to get yourself out there. Use every form of social media you can get your hands on, whether that be Facebook, Pinterest and so on and so forth. Get on sites like Bloglovin that will help you build your following.

My nominations:

  1. Fern at Life With Ferine
  2. Sarah at Sarah Trademark
  3. Amy Maria at Miss Amy Maria 
  4. Gemma at Life 0f A Gem 
  5. Alicia at Alicias Planet 
  6. Billi at Billi Loves Beauty 
  7. Clare at Not Accounting For Looks 
  8. Anne at Anne The Ginger 
  9. Anne at Weird 
  10. Mag at Forever Book Blog 
  11. Faye at Faye Jessica  
  12. Taylor at Tea Time and Books Blog
  13. Okoto at Okoto Enigmas Blog 
  14. Kyles at Sex Mental Health and Rock n' Roll
  15. April at Travelling Wanderer 

Again, thank you so much to the lovely Liz for the nomination, you're absolutely fantastic! 


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