Saturday 19 August 2017

Sunshine Blogger Award

I'm going to be completely honest with you all right now and let you know that I hadn't heard about the Sunshine Blogger Award until the lovely Michelle from Writing Between Pauses nominated me today. Now before I continue, I must insist that you head on over to her beautiful blog and take a look at her fantastic posts, I assure you, you won't be disappointed. Thank you so much for the nomination Michelle!
The Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers who are creative, positive and inspiring.

The Rules
  1.  Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them.
  3. Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. Notify your nominees and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post.

Michelle's Questions  

What is your favourite colour and why? 
Red just because I really like it.
What's your current favourite outfit?
I absolutely love my Denim dungaree pinafore, with tights and vans. It's such a lazy and simple outfit, it looks cute, and it's hassle free!
What's one thing that you wanted to achieve this year that you haven't?
I wanted to read 4 books per month, but I've just found I'm far too busy to cope with that read load every month
Speaking of that thing you wanted to achieve, what can you do today to achieve it?
Find the time to read, whether it be before bed, travelling to work or in the bath. I will aim to read 4 books a month starting fro September.
Are you #TeamCoffee or #TeamTea? (or the controversial #TeamCocoa?)
#TeamTea, however I am partial to sliding over to #TeamCocoa occasionally. 
You're cast out from society. What's one thing you'd miss the absolute most?
The Pizza. No, I probably miss my family the most, presuming they haven't been cast out alongside me, It's hard to imagine them not being around.
What has been your favourite summer memory?
I don't know if you would class it as summer, maybe on the outskirts of summer? but I'm using it anyway. We visited Rome, it's always summer in Rome, right?  Anyway, we visited Rome, and my now fiance proposed to me, and it was the most magical day of my life, and I could talk about it forever.
What are you looking forward to in the next 6 months?
CHRISTMAS! I absolutely adore Christmas, it's my favourite day of the year. I just love how happy everyone is, the air smells different on Christmas, I love the lights, the family time, the presents, the food, and the magic.
Quick: Name your 3 favourite foods.
I'd love to say Salad, Salad, and Salad...but I'm going to say Pizza, Pizza, and a bit more Pizza!
Do you have a favourite Instagram account? Share it!
Giovanna Fletcher I don't know if any of you know who Giovanna is, but I just love how real her account it, it makes me smile so much.
What's the one thing you look for in a blog you fall in love with?
Passion! You can spot passion a mile away, and I absolutely love reading passionate posts.

My Nominees
  1. Fern at Life With Ferine
  2. Sarah at Sarah Trademark
  3. Amy Maria at Miss Amy Maria 
  4. Gemma at Life 0f A Gem 
  5. Alicia at Alicias Planet 
  6. Billi at Billi Loves Beauty 
  7. Clare at Not Accounting For Looks 
  8. Anne at Anne The Ginger 
  9. Anne at Weird 
  10. Mag at Forever Book Blog 
  11. Faye at Faye Jessica 
My Questions For You
  1. 1. What advise would you give someone if they were just starting out with their blog?
  2. If you had one super power, what would it be?
  3. What are 3 things you can't live without?
  4. Have you always been interested in writing?
  5. Tell me 5 facts about you that we may not know. 
  6. If you could go on 1 date with anyone in the world, who would it be, and what would you do?
  7. How old would you think you were if you didn't know how old you were? 
  8. If you could have any animal as your pet, what would you choose?
  9. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  10. I you could give your younger self some advise, what would it be?
  11. Who/What do you take inspiration from for your blog?
 Thank you again Michelle for your nomination, I really enjoy posting these awards, and I love finding new bloggers, I look forward to seeing the posts from my nominees!


  1. Christmas has always been something I have looked forward to especially when I was a child, but it sort of went away. Thankfully my sister has a child, so I am able to relive Christmas through him :) The excitement he gets opening for father Christmas to come is adorable!

  2. #teamtea love it! Haha! Great award to have, nice post xx

  3. Definitely a pizza girl myself! Thank you so much for the nomination xx


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