Friday 15 April 2016

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasures 

"I don't believe in guilty pleasures. If you enjoy something, there's nothing guilty about it."

Everyone has those little things in their life that fill them with absolute delight. These might be the things we believe to be our guilty pleasures, the things that we think others may see as strange.

My Guilty Pleasures:

  • I REALLY do still enjoy Hannah Montana, I just can't stop listening to here or watching her movie! I just love, LOVE, LOOVVEE her!
  • I haven't done this for a very long time, but the idea is always at the back of my mind...I use to always pour icing sugar mix into a cup, make the mixture and just sit and eat it, YUM!
  • I adore baths, I know a lot of people like baths, but I could just lay in one for my entire life (providing it's always warm) and it would be perfect.
  • Everyone knows that I LOVE movies, but I will watch ANYTHING, no matter how soppy, or how cheesy, I will probably still love it, and most likely still cry because I seem to cry at most movies.
  • I completely hoard make up and beauty products to the point that I have far too much for onc person.
  • I'm a gamer, but Minecraft is most certainly my guilty pleasure. I'll only play it on adventure mode and I will literally spend hours upon hours just building things. 

So what are your guilty pleasures? 

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