Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Blog-tember Challenge: Day 14 | Tattoo Inspiration

Wow! We're now nearly halfway through the blog-tember challenge, you've got to admit that this month is absolutely flying by. I love how much notice my blog is getting from this challenge, and I'm sure you all feel the same, I am loving reading everyone's posts :)

Wednesday, Sept. 14: Make a mood board! Are you brainstorming a room re-do, a capsule wardrobe, or already planning for the holidays? 

Our prompt for today is to create a mood board, which I love! We've just been asked to create this to show what kind of things we're planning at the moment, and for myself it's tattoos! 

I currently have 4 tattoos, shown in the images below, and I got my latest addition on Monday after going around a year and a half without any new ink. The collage above is a compiled collection of the tattoos I'm taking inspiration from, and I can't wait to see what comes from them!


  1. I love tattoo's! I currently have 11 and I'm itching for another one but at 34 weeks pregnant that's probably not a great idea! x

    1. I only have 4 at the moment, but I have so many more planned! Congratulations on the pregnancy! :)

  2. What a fun and different idea for a mood board! I don't think I could ever convince myself to get a tattoo but I love how personal and artistic they can be

  3. All of your current tattoos are so pretty! I love the inspiration ones, too, especially the anchors. If I ever got a tattoo it would probably be an anchor similar to those because my wedding quote was "I'll be the wings that keep your head in the clouds. You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground."

  4. That's so beautiful, and would have so much meaning! You absolutely have to let me know if you do that :) xx

  5. I'm obsessed with finding tattoo inspiration! Yours are stunning btw; love the Tardis one : D I never thought to make a mood board for tattoos and this is awesome, love your style.
    Steph x.

    1. Aw thank you lovely! I couldn't think of anything I'd been taking inspiration from aside from tattoos, and I'm so glad that's what I decided to go with on this post :) x


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